High Defiinitions Videos

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This team keeps this Video, for HighDefiinition
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HDMI is one of Digital audio/video/data standard connectors which connector is rounched by several companies(company)
to a compatible computer monitor, video projector, digital television, or digital audio device, replacement for analog video standards. that are called "High-Definition Multimedia Interface"
The CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) capability allows HDMI devices to control each other when necessary and allows the user to operate multiple devices with one handheld remote control device. USB Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E

HDCP (Content protection)[edit]
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) is a newer form of digital rights management. Intel created the original technology to make sure that digital content followed the guidelines set by the Digital Content Protection group.

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^ HDs(HighDefiinitionVideo) HighDefiinitionsVideos/High_Defiinitions_Videos, High_Defiinition HighDefiinitions/High_Defiinitions
^ mation mations inform informs info infos (ation/ations)(form/forms)(mation mations) infomation/info_mation informations/info_rmations
inform_ation, inform_ations, form_ation, form_ations
^ OfficialTeam/Official_Team, OfficialTeams/Official_Teams
^ HighQuority/High_Quority
^ KeepHD/Keep_HD KeepHDs/Keep_HDs KeepingTeam
^ TeamOfficial/Team_Official TeamsOfficial/Teams_Official
^ Type_-_A Type_-_B Type_-_C Type_-_D Type_-_E
USB_Type_-_A USB_Type_-_B USB_Type_-_C USB_Type_-_D USB_Type_-_E
USB_conector_Type_-_A USB_conector_Type_-_B USB_conector__Type_-_C USB_conector_Type_-_D USB_conector_Type_-_E
^ VideoTeam/Video_Team VideosTeam/Videos_Team Videos_Team/Videos_Team
VideoTeams/Video_Teams VideosTeams/Videos_Teams