The basics of frequently used business terms
What is
Revert to Original | Abbreviations description | |
CEO | Chief executive officer | describes the position of the most senior corporate officer, executive, leader or administrator in charge of managing an organization. CEOs lead a range of organizations, including public and private |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | CIO is Chief Digital Information Officer (CDIO) or Information Technology (IT) Director, is a job title commonly given to the most senior executive in an enterprise responsible for the information technology and computer systems that support enterprise goals. Generally, the CIO reports to the chief executive officer, chief operating officer or chief financial officer |
Chief Investment Officer | CIO is a job title for the board level head of investments within an organization. The CIO's purpose is to understand, manage, and monitor their organization's portfolio of assets, devise strategies for growth, act as the liaison with investors, and recognize and avoid serious risks, including those never before encountered. | |
Congress of Industrial Organization | CIO was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions
Federation of Labor (FL) Industrial Organizing Committee (IOC), Association of Industrial Union(AIU) |
^ Abbreviationsdescription/Abbreviations_description
^ Chiefexecutiveofficer/Chief_executive_officer/ceo_(,_ceo
^ ChiefInformationOfficer/Chief_Information_Officer/ceo_(,_ceo
ChiefURL ChiefURI [ [
[ [ [ [
[ [ [ [
[ [
URLChief URIChief [ [
[ [ [ [
[ [
^ CongressofIndustrialOrganization
^ FederationofLabor/Federation_of_Labor/FL_(,_FL
SwitchAIU/Switch_AIU ToggleAIU/Toggle_AIU
^ ReverttoOriginal/Revert_to_Original
^ Whatis/What_is