What is dig?

Dig is a tool for digging Field
Digs are tools for digged Fields
Hoe, Spades, rakes

Farmings in farms(Farm) I farmed(finish farming)
cultivate cultivates cultivating[cultivat ing] cultivated by special cultivater cultivates
cultivation of the cultivations
to plow specialist by domestic animalsm
plows specialists having plowing[ing] had been digging or be plowed diggings
to plough
ploughs ploughes You ought to ploughed(plought) He or she has might done with ploughing
Snowplows Snowploughs (Snowplow Snowplough) use in Powder Snow. the Grass roots basic pathipo varieties cities(basically Grasses varaietys citys varaiety root city)

Rivera: [Noun]ancient Italy wine, vineyards, the goddess of fertility; wife of Liber; was equated with Persephone after

Dominant GB & UK(Great Britainm United Kingdom)

For what?
Wood art as wooden arts Sculptures(Sculpture)& Carvings(carving) to be made
Diggity(digity?) Diggities(digities?) cool awsome wrongless

French translation of English - Fill Cups Dictionary to refill a cups of Dictionaries
firming just now right? at define

Hays meant be Agricultural rolled straws for weedings, that dry grasses feed by Caws and Oxes in traditional Agriculture

Front end loaders(loader)
Excavators Shovels cars, Hmph with Caterpillars Hydraulic mining caterpillar Excavator shovel car) in snowing snow

●International Harvesters (harvester), Rotary tillers (tiller), A step of stirring up the depth of about 10cm from the topsoil, which is one of the agricultural machines used to cultivate rice fields and fields, and to stir the paddy topsoil and chip-like mowing and pruning trees, patious Farmers Vehicles (Vehicle)

Un paso del revolvimiento encima de la profundidad de unos 10cm de la capa arable, que es una de las máquinas agrícolas utilizadas para cultivar arroz campos y campos y revolver la tierra vegetal arroz y viruta-como cortar y podar árboles

【Non Count】Fertilizer (want), Dung, discerning, A compound, manure(excreta, poop, feces), fertilize, fertilizing
【Transitive Adjectives/Adjective】compostable Compostings, Composting making compost from animals and plants(Animal and Plant)
Estiércol vegetal[Editar en curso]
abono; fertilizer, manure, compost, subscription, mulch
mantillo;mulch, humus, topsoil, compost, loam
【No recuento】 Abono (querer), discernir
【adjetivos transitivos】compostaje,
compostar de compost de animales y plantas (Animale y Planta)
Crear compost todos los días
●Cuando es el momento de la siembra de semillas, el suelo se cava y cavar un Agujeros Agujero Hoyos Hoyo y la semilla está cubierta.

●International House or Home

^ AtDifine/At_Difine AtDictionary/At_Dictionary Difineatdictionary/Difine_at_dictionary
^ digdig/dig_dig, sdig digsdig/digs_dig digdigs/dig_digs digsdigs/digs_digs dig_sdigs sdigsdig/sdig_sdig sdigdig/sdig_dig digsdig/dig_sdig
^ PatiosAgujeros PatiosAgujero PatiosHoyos PatiosHoyo PatioAgujeros PatioAgujero PatioHoyos PatioHoyo, Patios_Agujeros Patios_Agujero Patios_Hoyos Patios_Hoyo Patio_Agujeros Patio_Agujero Patio_Hoyos Patio_Hoyo
^ caltivate caltivates caltivated caltivating[caltivat ing] caltivatation
^ FarmersVehicles/Farmers_Vehicles FarmerVehicle/Farmer_Vehicle
^ freedictionary/free_dictionary the_free_dictionary thedictionary/the_dictionary
freedictionaries/free_dictionaries thefreedictionaries/the_free_dictionaries thedictionaries/the_dictionaries
^ InternationalHarvesters/International_Harvesters
^ Pathipo.com Pathipodig/Pathipo_dig Pathipodigs/Pathipo_digs Pathipodigging/Pathipo_digging Pathipodiggings/Pathipo_diggings
^ Stand for Acronyms acronym definitions(definition) to finder
thefreedictionary.imi.com acronymfinder acronymsfinder
^ GreatBritain/Great_Britain UnitedKingdom/United_Kingdom
^ Woodart/Wood_art Woodarts/Wood_arts