El Gran Arrecifes de Coral
Australian Great Corals Barriers Reefs in Australia.
The Great Barrier Reef(Arrecife) is the world's largest coral reef system
composed of over two thousands nine hundreds individual reefs/reeves and
Ninehundreds of islands stretching for over two thousand three hundred
kilometres (One thousand four hundreds mi) over an area of approximately
three fourty four hundred four hundreds squares(square) kilometres (one
thirty three thousands sq mi).
●About Helping desk to help which you find government information and services
Search Marine Park
States and territories of Australia [Show/hide]
1 | 2 | States |
Northern Territory | - | |
Sydney Parramatta prominent suburb [pærəˈmætə] Parramatta River(origin from Baramada or Burramatta eels) and Lane Cove rivers, and Park, Port Jackson(Shark Island, Goat Island, Spectacle Island, Snapper Island, ), Clark Island, Fort Denison(Mat-te-wan-ye, and as Pinchgut Island) ●Bennelong Point Eora race called "Tubowghule", Sydney Opera House ●The Old Government House(First and Sydneys ACS) ●Hyde Park Barracks ●Old Great North Road ACS, Hawkesbury River at Wisemans Ferry, Dharug National Park ( Bucketty until forking at Wollombi, Warkworth via Broke and the other goes to Cessnock, Maitland Newcastle.) ●Cockatoo Island Wa-rea-mah by the Indigenous Australians. Sydney Harbour Federation Trust ≪Jurisdiction≫ ◎Headland Park, Mosman (Middle Head, Georges Heights and Chowder Bay) ◎North Head Sanctuary (Former School of Artillery, North Head, Manly ◎Woolwich Dock and Parklands ◎Macquarie Lighthouse ◎Snapper Island ◎Former Marine Biological Station, Watsons Bay ●Rodd Island Centre of Iron Cove, between the suburbs of Drummoyne, Russell Lea, Rodd Point, Haberfield and Leichhardt. ●Garden Islan Royal Australian Navy (RAN) ●Berry Island Berry Island was part of a grant of land made by Governor Macquarie to Alexander Berry and Edward Wollstonecraft ●Camden Park Estate/Nursery produced Erythrina × bidwillii by Botanist William Macarthur, |
Australian Capital Territory · Jervis Bay Territory · | New South Wales |
Coral Sea Islands |
Queensland | |
Tiparra Reef(also spell as Tipara, is a reef located in Spencer Gulf in SouthAustralia west of the town of Port Hughes, that lies in the middle of Tiparra Bay" with a"limestone ledge) | South Australia | |
Hobart International Airport(Cambridge) Cambridge Aerodrome (compulsory purchase) Longford ●Brickendon and Woolmers Estates, National Rose Garden, ACS It consists of adjacent farming properties. Maria Island (Van Diemen's Land) ●Darlington Probation Station ASC Darlington River ●Cascades Female Factory ACS ●Port Arthur (Historic Site Management Authority) ACS by Arthur Highway ●Coal Mines Historic Site ASC, Saltwater Creek Rd, Little Norfolk Bay, Tasman Peninsula. |
Hobart [hoʊbɑrt] Sorell |
Tasmania |
Victoria | ||
●Greater Perth(South West Land, majority of the metropolitan area, a narrow strip[obi chitai] between the Indian Ocean and the Darling Scarp), Fremantle( located at the mouth of the Swan Coastal Plain and Swan River) | Western Australia | |
Ashmore and Cartier Islands |
Christmas Island |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands · |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands · |
Volcanic group | |
Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area, KAVH(ACS) | Triangle among Aus Nz and New Caledonia | Norfolk Island |
Australian Antarctic Territory · |
Antarctica |
●Torres Strait(トレス海峡)
●Tiwi Islands(ティウィ諸島)
●Kangaroo Island of the Dead、Kingstone
●Heron Island
●Orpheus Island is a national park in North Queensland, Northwest of Brisbane,
Pelorus Island eight hundreds metres.
●Australian Convict Sites(ACS)
National Park[edit]
Greator Blue Mountains National Park Area
It"s takes about two hours from Sydney
Wollemi National Park
Yengo National Park
Nattai National Park
Kanangra-Boyd National Park
Gardens of Stone National Park
Thirlmere Lakes National Park
Booderee National Park and Botanic Gardens
are located in the Jervis Bay Territory of Australia. The reserve is composed
of two sections: the Bherwerre Peninsula, on the southern foreshore of
Jervis Bay, Bowen Island and the waters of the south of the bay; lands
bordered by Wreck Bay to the south, St Georges Basin to the north and Sussex
Inlet to the west.
Tasting Diaries Diarys Diary
●Booderee National Park
Commonwealth of Australia
Region;Asia-Pacific Ocean
●Erythrina × bidwillii(Scientific name Hybridising Floras)
Erythrina × bidwillii Lindl. 'Camdeni' or 'Erythrina camdenensis'
Erythrina × bidwillii Lindl. 'Blakei''(F1 hybrid cross)
Two separate crossings of Erythrina herbacea L. (female flora) with Erythrina
crista-galli L. (male flora):
... The 'Camden Coral Tree' so called by William Macarthur. It was named
after John Bidwill, by John Lindley, after an initial description by Bidwill's
friend William Herbert, Australian Diego is difer from American diego.
Australia is separated from the Gondana continent, and in plants and animals,
destroyed tribes survive. A typical example of this is a bag (Mammalia
Theria Metatheria Marsupialia Australidelphian Australidelphia).
Dasyuromorphia(Dasyuridae, Myrmecobiidae, Thylacinidae )
Peramelemorphia(Peramelidae Thylacomyidae)
Notoryctemorphia(Notoryctidae) Notoryctes typhlops
Diprotodontia{Macropodiformes Phalangeriformes Vombatiformes}
New Zealand
●Air New Zealand
Find cheap flights to Skycouch plus an Economy seat or multiple Skycouches
Town Of Ocean City
●Enclosure perhaps mean enclosing perhaplly to enclose a young sheeps by
cowboys perhap (encloses any sheep by cowboy), enclosed sheep cutted for
getting wool, The trading company man who chases their hips obtains the
intestines for the andouille perhapped when manufacturing the happen Wiener.
●Ent-Ame(EntAme) is Ent-er, Enter-tain-ment -ments of Amenit (Ame-nity
-nities -nitys) Entertainment Amenity(Amenitys Amenities)
●Taupo ( ; Māori pronunciation: [ˈtoʊpɔː]; also spelled Taupō) is a town
on the shore of Lake Taupo, which occupies the caldera of the Taupo Volcano
in the centre of the North Island of New Zealand. It is the seat of the
Taupo District Council and lies in the southern Waikato Region.
● Australasia (TK)
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●Melbourne este declarat a fi cel mai locuibil oraș din lume. Restaurantele
de top din lume, galeriile de artă, moda locală și nenumărate evenimente
sportive. Să mergem să găsim farmecul acestui oraș.
O rețea de știri în industria automobilelor. Mașini noi și motor prezinta
buletine și plimbari de testare. Vehicule electrice (EVS) și plug-in-hibrizi,
Descrierea site-ului. Te vom sprijini. De la cele mai recente informații
de proprietate de imobiliare (apartament, casa single-familie, teren, etc),
pentru a ajuta cu vânzarea, ar fi cunoștințele necesare la acel moment,
am postat o varietate de informații. Sistemul de raportare periodică este
un sistem important prevăzut la articolul Douăsprezecea din Legea privind
standardele clădirii în cazul limbii japoneze în care persoana care este
calificată să investigheze și să inspecteze clădirile și facilitățile de
construcție investighează și inspectează dacă au fost menținute și inspectate
în mod corespunzător și raportează rezultatele.
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Australian_Fremantle Australian_Fremantle
anarrowstrip[anarrowobi anarrowchitai] https.www.Parks_-_Australia.Gov.au/Parks_-_Australia_-_Phone_-_Number.gov
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^ betweentheIndianOceanand betweentheDarlingScarp
between_the_IndianOceanand between_the_DarlingScarp
between_the_Indian_Oceanand between_the_Darling_Scarp
^ CommonwealthofAustralia
ClimateAustraliadot NiftyAirportPatio.jp
Coral_Barrier_Reef_Stations Coral_Barrier_Reef_Station CityPark CityParkorg
CityParken CityParknet CityParkcom CityParkjp CityParkja,City_Park City_Park_org
City_Park_net City_Park_com City_Park_jp City_Park_ja City_Park_en [https.www.SupremeAutomotiveChristchurchLtd.AutoYas.com
^ ElGranArrecifesdeCoral
^ EnclosurePatio/Enclosure_Patio
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^ Englishlanguages Englishlanguage
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Englishlanguagesusers Englishlanguageusers Englishlanguagesuser Englishlanguageuser,
English_languages_users English_language_users English_languages_user English_language_user
^ Flightschedules Flightscedule
Flight_schedules Flight_scedule
femaleflora maleflora female_flora male_flora
^ GreatBarrierReef/Great_Barrier_Reef
^ MarinePark/Marine_Park
^ AusReef/Aus_Reef
AustraliaTõkyõFlight AustraliaJapõnFlight(AustraliaTökyöFlight AustraliaJapönFlight)
Australia_Tõkyõ_Flight Australia_Japõn_Flight(Australia_Tökyö_Flight Australia_Japön_Flight)
AustralianDiego Australian_Diego
AustralianPatios AustralianPatio AustraliaPatios AustraliaPatio Australian_Patios
Australian_Patio Australia_Patios Australia_Patio
^ AmericanDiego American_Diego
^ Ent_-_Ame Ent_Ame Ent_-_er Enter_-_tain_-_ment Enter_tain_-_ments Ame_-_nity
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^ IslandNationalpark
^ limestoneledge/limestone_ledge
Locatedatthemouthof Located_at_the_mouth_of
^ OrpheusIsland Nationalpark
Orpheus_Island National_park
Owst-raria Owstraria/Owst_-_raria Owst_raria
^ RAquen RAqu.en R.Aqu.en R.Aquen RAquen.com R.Aquen.com RAqu.en.com R.Aqu.en.com
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TokyoSydney SydneyTokyo Tokyo_Sydney Sydney_Tokyo
^ TastingDiaries TastingDiarys TastingDiary
Tasting_Diaries Tasting_Diarys Tasting_Diary
^ [https://www.luxuryadventures.co.nz
^ tiwebsite Stralia Tralia
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/Tralia_web_site ToukyoSydney SydneyToukyo
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CoaralCityinAustralia CoaralCityinAustralian
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Coaral_City_in_Australia_Coasts Coaral_City_in_Australian_Coasts
majorityofthemetropolitanarea majority_of_the_metropolitan_area
Australianmajorityofthemetropolitanarea Australian_majority_of_the_metropolitan_area
Australiamajorityofthemetropolitanarea Australia_majority_of_the_metropolitan_area
^ PatioSeep/Patio_Seep PathioSeep/Pathio_Seep
PatiosSeep/Patios_Seep PathiosSeep/Pathios_Seep httpswwwParks_--_AustraliaGovau/Parks_^_Australia_^_Phone_^_Number.gov
PatioSeeps/Patio_Seeps PathioSeeps/Pathio_Seeps PatiosSeeps/Patios_Seeps
^ PatioEnclosure/Patio_Enclosure
^ PelorusIsland/Pelorus_Island PelorusIslandNationalpark
^ PortHughes/Port_Hughes
^ SpencerGulf/Spencer_Gulf
SouthWestLand TheSouthWestLand/The_South_West_Land
SwanCoastalPlain SwanRiver theSwanCoastalPlain theSwanRiver AustralianSwanCoastalPlain
AustraliaSwanCoastalPlain AustraliaSwanRiver AustralianSwanRiver, Swan_Coastal_Plain
Swan_River the_Swan_Coastal_Plain the_Swan_River Australian_Swan_Coastal_Plain
Australia_Swan_Coastal_Plain Australia_Swan_River Australian_Swan_River
AustralianStations AustralianStation AustraliaStations AustraliaStation,
Australian_Stations Australian_Station Australia_Stations Australia_Station
Aus_tralian_Stations Aus_tralian_Station Aus_tralia_Stations Aus_tralia_Station
^ LakeTaupo/Lake_Taupo NewZealandTaupo/New_Zealand_Taupo TaupoVolcano/Taupo_Volcano
MāoriTaupo/Māori_Taupo TaupoDistrictCouncil/Taupo_District_Council WaikatoRegion/Waikato_Region
^ TownOfOceanCity/Town_Of_Ocean_City
^ TiparraReef/Tiparra_Reef TiparaReef/Tipara_Reef TiparraBay/Tiparra_Bay
TiparaBay/Tipara_Bay TiparraReef&pa/Tiparra_Reef&pa TiparaReef&pa/Tipara_Reef&pa
TiparraBay&pa/Tiparra_Bay&pa TiparaBay&pa/Tipara_Bay&pa
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TiparraBay&thi/Tiparra_Bay&thi TiparaBay&thi/Tipara_Bay&thi