Syllables [short-en-ing]
mean 【noun(s)】
"For makes blown Candy or Sweets, such as oily butter, lard, oil etc.".Category is material of food like Wich,
make a ham and cucamber sandwich which use hams and cucambers, sandwiched cake(cakes of sandwiches)
meaning of butters, lards, oils, chubby checker
Product Features is a nutritionally balanced designed to provide dietary support for the busy lives of people today.
It can be taken anytime anywhere anyway Contains a good balance of protein, fat, sugars, with the benefits of A C E vitamins (Ace, VitaminAce.VA)

UR/URIShortener and Redirection Service is a free URL shortening and redirection replacement
simple【Adjectives】for example simplist


^ chubbychecker/chubby_checker
^ General food y foods (Generalfood/General_food)(Generalfoods/General_foods)
Genelal Drink y drinks(Genelaldrink/Genelal_drink, Genelaldrinks/Genelal_drinks)
^ Calorie Mate / Calories Mates
(CalorieMate/Calorie_Mate / CaloriesMates/Calories_Mates)
Categories:Materials of foods
^ Lists List Shortnings Shortning
Shortlists Shortlist Short_lists Short_list
Listsof Listof Lists_of List_of
ListsofShorts ListofShorts Lists_of_Shorts List_of_Shorts, ListsofShort ListofShort Lists_of_Short List_of_Short,, ListsofShortning ListofShortning Lists_of_Shortning List_of_Shortning, ListsofShortnings ListofShortnings Lists_of_Shortnings List_of_Shortningsm , ListsofShortening ListofShortening Lists_of_Shortening List_of_Shortening,, ListsofShortenings ListofShortenings Lists_of_Shortenings List_of_Shortenings,